Washers Dryers and energy use About 90 percent of the energy used to do laundry comes from heating the dryer. To save energy and money, we recommend that you:
Stove and efficiency
Stove and efficiency Energy use and efficiency are determined by your cooking habits. When shopping for a new stove or oven, buy the model that best suits you. Here are some general tips:
Dishwasher and energy
Dishwasher and energy A dishwasher consumes one-third less hot water than hand washing so using the dishwasher saves you money. Additional ways to save are: Avoid pre-rinsing dishes in hot water. Use the rinse cycle until it’s time to clean a full load. Use the energy-saving cycle to shorten the run time and save gallons […]
Ice from my ice-maker taste bad
Ice from my ice-maker taste bad I have had this happen to me how about you? You have company at your home and you offer them a drink the ice tastes bad so the whole drink is ruined! Check out these things you can do to make sure this doesn’t ever happen to you again!
Why doesn’t my freezer freeze
Why doesn’t my freezer freeze Why doesn’t my freezer freeze – The first thing to do is to set the thermostat to a colder setting. If that doesn’t work, you can begin checking the defrost timer. Test this by manually advancing to the defrost cycle. You can usually manually advance this timer with a screwdriver. […]
Freezer will not work at all
Freezer will not work at all Are you sure that the freezer is getting power? If you can’t tell if anything is on at all, plug something else into the same outlet, such as a small lamp or hair dryer. If you have power, it’s time to troubleshoot. If you don’t have power, check the […]
Coupon Specials
Coupon Specials Request Service Today! Call Now! (352)270-3238 or… ApplianceQuest does not sell or knowingly transmit information to other sources. Any email inquiries or information collected from this website will be used solely for communication purposes and will not be added to any […]
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